Wax Daddy says: wear sunscreen

Use protection... wax style We should ALL be wearing sun protection, all year round, come rain or shine. You know it makes sense. But as the days get longer and the weather warms up, the need for a good SPF is more important than ever. Fact: just-waxed skin is more sun sensitive. Waxing removes some of the body’s natural protection, namely hair and dead skin cells. If that beautifully smooth, freshly waxed skin gets exposed to the sun, (a) it’s much more likely to burn, and (b) darker patches may develop where the skin becomes over-irritated (fancy technical term: post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). This is especially true if the client has experienced any lifting/grazing. With this in mind, it’s really important that we are advising customers to use sunblock on their exposed bits after waxing. Remember Australia’s iconic slip-slop-slap sun protection campaign? Well, behold the Wax Daddy remix: RIP! SLIP! SLOP! It goes a little something like this.....