
Showing posts from March, 2017

FAQ: do I need to use a wax designed specifically for guys?

“Do I need to use a separate, special wax designed specifically for guys?” I get asked this a lot. Short answer: no. Most waxes ‘for men’ are nothing more than regular wax with a ‘manly’ colour and fragrance added. The rest is marketing. Hair doesn’t care whether it grows out of a man or a woman… and neither does your wax. You'll get guys with peach fuzz that slips out with barely a whisper and girls with the toughest hair known to humankind. Also true: using a pink wax that smells of strawberries isn't going to cause a national dip in testosterone levels. Neither will your female clients start sprouting chest hair if you use a wax aimed at male customers on them. My advice? A truly great wax should do a grand job on all skin and hair types, regardless of gender. Pick a wax that you love and don't lose sleep over whether or not it smells of Old Spice and promises to mow the lawn when it's finish...

Real men exfoliate (and moisturise)

Ingrown hairs... the bane of waxers worldwide. Prevention is certainly better than cure here, but surprisingly few clients realise that it’s a 2-step process: SCRUB and SLICK. Scrub the skin Regular, gentle exfoliation is essential to shift any build-up of dead skin cells that can otherwise trap the hair, plu s it also lifts new growth to the surface. First up, the key word with any form of exfoliation is 'gentle'. I've found a lot of customers will over-do it and go at things like they're sanding down a work surface: scrubbing themselves red raw on a daily basis or using harsh, scratchy products in the mistaken belief that "if it's hurting, it's working"... when in actual fact the skin just winds up irritated and this only serves to make things worse. So, gently does it: 3-4 times a week tops, and get him to use either a cosmetic scrub with spherical beads that won't scratch the skin, or a nylon/polyester mitt or cloth (I persona...

6 tricks for furless fingers

Thick, dark, curly hair on the knuckles is a look many clients would prefer was left to the animal kingdom. A quick once over with your waxing spatula will soon make them feel human again and will knock years off their appearance in the process. 👍 Cold hands and fingers Chilly digits can be a nightmare to de-fuzz as cold skin will cool your wax quicker, often resulting in it becoming stuck fast. I find it helps to work in smaller sections: apply your wax as thinly as possible and do the back of the hand separately to the fingers. This gives the sticky stuff less chance to cool down between each area. If you’re still struggling to get wax off, rub the strip briskly until you feel heat coming through the paper, which will warm up any colder blobs just enough to release from the skin. Using a clean section of strip will also help.  True story: I have been known to ask clients to sit on the hand I’m not currently working on, in order to warm it up before I slather on...