FAQ: do I need to use a wax designed specifically for guys?

“Do I need to use a separate, special wax designed specifically for guys?”

I get asked this a lot. Short answer: no.

Most waxes ‘for men’ are nothing more than regular wax with a ‘manly’ colour and fragrance added. The rest is marketing.

Hair doesn’t care whether it grows out of a man or a woman… and neither does your wax. You'll get guys with peach fuzz that slips out with barely a whisper and girls with the toughest hair known to humankind.

Also true: using a pink wax that smells of strawberries isn't going to cause a national dip in testosterone levels. Neither will your female clients start sprouting chest hair if you use a wax aimed at male customers on them.

My advice? A truly great wax should do a grand job on all skin and hair types, regardless of gender. Pick a wax that you love and don't lose sleep over whether or not it smells of Old Spice and promises to mow the lawn when it's finished playing Call of Duty.

© Andy Rouillard 2017


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