Wax Daddy loves... Scrummi Spa disposables

Laundry: a necessary evil? Time-consuming, costly and not terribly friendly to the environment. Well, not any more!

I’ve always used modesty towels at the salon for various waxing and massage treatments, but there’s no escaping the feeling that it’s incredibly wasteful throwing a towel that has been draped over a client for all of 30 seconds straight in the laundry basket. Not to mention the fact I can think of more exciting ways to spend a Friday evening than washing, drying and folding endless towels.

2 months ago I replaced all of my hand towels with the medium size disposables from Scrummi Spa. That simple act alone has saved me 3-4 loads of washing and drying every week since then, which means more time for eating cake. Hurrah! The initial purchase cost has balanced out, I feel like I’m taking steps towards being greener in the salon, and customers like the hygiene aspect in particular as they see the towel going straight in the bin at the end of their treatment.

The full Scrummi range features products in various sizes and styles, from disposable hand mitts (great for facials) to large body wraps, spa sheets and table covers. They are all made from sustainably sourced wood fibres, have a lovely soft waffle texture and are completely biodegradable.

I’m a convert. Fancy trying them for yourself? Axiom Wax Academy graduates get 10% off their first order - call the marvellous Kerry on 01732 617 610 to request a free sample and let me know what you think!

© Andy Rouillard 2017


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