Happy new year from Axiom Wax Academy

Hello hello! And a very happy new year to YOU, waxers.

Sooooo... 2018. Here we all are, hopefully feeling suitably refreshed and recharged after the festive break. I don’t know about you, but I’ve only been back at the wax pots a few days and Christmas already feels like a distant memory. When’s the next bank holiday?? πŸ˜‰

2018 is shaping up to be a busy one. A few tidbits of news to keep you in the loop:

New training

We’re launching new female facial waxing and tinting classes next month, co-written with my buddy Sam Marshall (The Beauty Guru). Initially they will run from Manchester but we’ll roll them out in Basingstoke and the Midlands too if there is demand. Sam will also be running some of her fab female intimate waxing classes from my place in Basingstoke this year - drop me a line if you’re interested and we’ll keep you posted of dates and details as they are finalised.


I’ll be in Glasgow at the end of this month with Tracey from Ashmira Botanica and am heading back out to Norway to run classes with Beauty Basics over the spring. France and Belgium are also on the cards, if I pull my finger out. More details to follow.

Pro Beauty London

Myself and Sam will be teaming up to present a male intimate waxing seminar on the Monday of this years show. There will be a live demo, Q&A session and lots of juicy tips to help you tackle any manscaping scenario with courage and conviction. Two waxers, one scrotum... what could possibly go wrong?!

New products

Too much excitement to go into here, so I’m thinking of doing one of those fancy Facebook live videos as a ‘show and tell’ with some new bits and bobs I’ve been working on. Keep ‘em peeled!

That’s it for now. I wish you all the very brightest of years ahead - may 2018 bring you continued business success, good health and laughter by the bucketload. Cheers to that!

© Andy Rouillard 2018


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