FAQ: how can I create a natural fade between smooth skin & hair when waxing men?

When finishing a waxing service in areas like the lower back, upper arms, buttocks and speedo line, it can be tricky to create a natural looking transition between freshly waxed skin and the remaining body hair.

Blending is a great way to soften an obvious line between hair and hairlessness, and clients appreciate the attention to detail. You can use wax or electric clippers, or a combination of both.

With strip wax

Use a freshly removed paper or cloth strip that’s got wax on it. Press the waxy side lightly into the area you want to blend and remove against the direction of growth as normal. This will lift some but not all of the hair, thinning the strands out for a softer line. Repeat a few times with varying pressure until you get the desired effect.

With clippers

Start with a grade 3 (9mm) and trim about an inch worth of hair at the edge of the area you want to blend. Reduce the grade as you get closer to the waxed bits, resulting in a gradual shortening of the remaining hair which fades discreetly into smooth skin.

Trimmer tip

Trimming against the direction of growth will shave more hair off then going with it, so you can use this knowledge to your advantage to get a really fine fade in areas of especially dense hair growth.

The downside with trimming? All those annoying hair clippings that then insist on sticking to your client.

Here’s a quick and easy way to pick up all those pesky strays: apply a small section of strip wax to hair-free skin, remove as normal and then pat the sticky side of your strip gently over the trimmed area. The strip will grab any stray clippings for a perfect, clean finish.

This article first appeared in the January 2018 issue of Professional Beauty magazine. To learn more about male waxing, including practical tips on blending, trimming and every aspect of successful hair removal for men, check out our classes at www.learnmalewaxing.co.uk.

© Andy Rouillard 2018


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